Learn from our educators
Meet others who share your passion
Improve your performance skills
Check back for information about the 2020 event.
The weekend consists of small and large group instruction, and may include individual evaluation by an instructor. Meals are included, and you can stay overnight if you live far from the site or want get the feel of a Pacific Crest camp. By the end of the weekend, the staff will assign you a status:
Accepted: The staff believes you have the skills and character to perform with Pacific Crest
Call-Back: The staff sees serious potential, but wants to see improvement of one ore more skills at the next training camp.
Not This Year: The staff believes you need another year of experience to build your performance skills.
Not sure about Pacific Crest? The December Audition/Experience Camp is the perfect way to check us out. No matter what happens you’ll return to your school program ready to take your peers to the next level.
Refund Policy: Refunds available up to 7 days prior to the start date of the camp.