The pcFund helps us close the gap between your fees and what we spend per member.
Instructions: Provide 20 names and mailing addresses of individuals over the age of 21. We will solicit them on your behalf to make a donation to the pcFund. Think of all of the people you know: aunts/uncles, grandparents, friends’ parents, your parents’ work colleagues, parents’ friends, neighbors, etc.
NOTE: Pacific Crest will NOT solicit these individuals again unless they are already in our database or make a purchase via our online store. You may “buy out” this obligation by making a $100 donation to Pacific Crest (see the button below).
All rows must be completed before the form may be submitted. It is best to have all of the information assembled prior to completing the form.
[fuelAThonMemberEntry season=”2021″ entries=20]