Years at Pacific Crest:
2012 and 2013 (Trumpet)
Laguna Beach, California
Huntington Beach High School
Class of 2013
What brought you to Pacific Crest?
I first heard about Pacific Crest from a poster I saw in a local music store. I decided to come see my first ever live drum corps show in 2010 at Sneak Preview. After that, I was determined to some day march for Pacific Crest.
How has Pacific Crest impacted you?
Being in this corps dramatically altered my life in many ways. It changed the way I viewed the world and suddenly gave my life much more purpose. It taught me to appreciate the little things, like a hot shower, a bed, and most importantly, the value of time. It taught me to push past my mental boundaries and expand my horizons.
Not only have I grown into a fine young musician and athlete, but Pacific Crest has also shaped me into a better leader and individual. The best part of the entire experience, however, was not those intrinsic benefits. It was being able to share the experience with other performers who shared the same dedication to excellence and inspired me, people who were closer than friends and considered family.
How have you applied the experience to your life outside of drum corps?
The best thing that Pacific Crest has done for me is inspire me to never settle for anything less than than personal excellence. The same rehearsal and performance techniques that I learned while at Pacific Crest can be applied to just about every aspect of my future, including school work and careers.
Final Thought:
I’d like to give a shout out to some of the veteran members who took the time to help and encourage me when I was in my worst condition. They really left an impression on me. Every rookie needs someone to look up to and I hope I can continue the standard that these people first inspired me to uphold.
I can talk all day about how amazing drum corps is but the only way you’re going to truly know about it is to experience it for yourself. It is going to be the most rewarding thing that anyone has ever done, trust me. Go out there and do something amazing!