Program Coordinator Mark Gunderson has tapped Tim Darbonne to be Pacific Crest’s 2013 drill designer. Darbonne designs and instructs for some of the most noted band programs in the Southern United States. He’s also taught for a number of World Class Drum Corps, including Madison Scouts, Troopers, and currently, the Blue Devils.
Tim takes over for Steven Estudillo, an alumnus of Pacific Crest who wrote its drill from 2010 through 2012. “It was great having Steven with us for the past three years,” said Stuart Pompel, Pacific Crest’s Executive Director. “His talent and youthful energy made a significant impact on our shows, and it’s always great to see our alumni making such a huge difference in this activity.”
Indeed, Estudillo is a highly sought-after drill designer in Southern California, and also works as The Cavaliers’ Visual Caption Head.
Tim Darbonne’s bio includes more background information about Pacific Crest’s newest creative team member.