Championship week begins with a show in Massilon, Ohio, before the corps moves into its Indy housing. Read the rest of the story for details about this week.
Monday, August 6 – Show Day: Pro Fooball Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival, Massilon, OH (Housing at Leetonia High School)
Tuesday, August 7 – Corps moves into Indy housing at St. Mary of the Woods College, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN (Rehearsal day)
Wednesday, August 8 – Rehearsal day at St. Mary of the Woods, Pacific Crest Ageout Concert
Thursday, August 9 – DCI World Championship Prelims
Friday, August 10 – DCI World Championships Semifinals, DCI Ageout Ceremony
Saturday, August 11 – Celebrate Indy Arts Parade, free afternoon, and DCI World Championships Finals. Then drive to Chicago Midway Airport.
Sunday, August 12 – Fly home from Chicago Midway Airport
Click CALENDAR to see the details for each day!